Thursday, January 5, 2012

Something Something Resolutions?

Back in Seattle and pit stopped in the ID (international district) for bun bo hue at a place on 12th and Jackson. Don't remember the name of the place, but it's in the plaza with 7 star (you can get hot pot there!) Lower level of the complex second from the left in the middle.

Got home, and my fridge looked like this:

So for breakfast I dug in my freezer and found bread! Got new biscuit cutters so I got to try making eggs in a basket (which I've always wanted to do, but never had the proper cutting implements to do so). Ok, I have knives, but not the attention span to try to cut a pretty circle out of bread.

I like to tell myself it's healthier that I used olive oil instead of butter to toast the bread. Sure, we'll call it that.

Started an exercise program with some friends. One night they made dinner!

Shrimp salad with snow peas, green onions, bell peppers, and a miso dressing.

Oh is that a tomato? Maybe there was tomato too. There was also grilled miso fish!

Healthier start yay! Except I keep blogging instead of exercising like I'm supposed to. Yay!

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