First, and foremost: why the heck can't I get this in Seattle??

Had to buy fresh ones from MD, freeze and bring them back over. They even have them in Phoenix, AZ and our Chinese food is better than Phoenix!
Before you guys go Comment crazy, the stores out here don't have the dried shrimp in it. Just the green onions. Or just plain. If you find a store that sells otherwise then please let me know!
Yes, I checked Ranch 99, HT Market, and 2 different Uwajimaya's.
2) About the actual food: it's rice noodle with chopped green onions and dried shrimp rolled up in it. You can heat it up in the microwave for 90 seconds and pour sesame oil and dark soy sauce (not light!) Best breakfast ever.
Also, my Dad has a song for it to the music of "Sweet Caroline." Replace "Sweet" with "Ji." "Caroline" with "Cheong Fen." It will be stuck in your head for days like it has been in mine.
3) I don't get carded at liquor stores anymore. This is depressing not because I'm ashamed of my age or anything silly like that, but because the law says card until they look over 35. That is not my age.
4) Dill is quickly becoming one of my favorite herbs. Good in bloody marys, corn salad, and deviled eggs! I made the turkey bacon jalapeno deviled eggs the other day. DELICIOUS.
5) Ever since that new liquor law passed I am having a more difficult time finding the wines I like. Boo. Field trip to Wine World might be in order since these wines aren't local.
***Done, and done! Smash wanted to go there because Wine Spectator came out with this (it's a pdf). She, as the good Washingtonian, went off the list and got local. I ran around the store dancing to the 80's music and decided to try these:

Vino Verde- Casal Garcia 2011; Syrah - Toasted Goat 2009; Monastrell - M3 2006; Nebbiolo D'Alba - Damilano Marghe 2009
Vinho verde is a type of wine P&M brought to my housewarming and it's delicious and cheap! (Working on finding a good brand). This one's bottle says its supposed to be a young wine, so the 1939 is not the bottle's age.
Toasted Goat Syrah - local! Yes, I got it because of the picture, but I did check with a consultant before purchasing to see if it was good! I also keep mixing up the name and think it's called "Tainted Goat," but that might be because I kept looking at the red wines instead of white.
Monastrell- I have no idea what kind of wine this is. Got it because it's from la Mancha and I'm reading Don Quixote.
Nebbiolo!! My favorite wine since trying it at la Spiga. Wine World guy said Nebbiolos are like Barolos (close to each other in region), but are cheaper because they aren't actually from Barolo. There are also different types of Nebbiolos, but again... can't absorb that much information in all the talking. Also I wanted to dance to the music playing.
Also was able to find these:

Cabernet Sauvign0n - Efeste 2008; Tempranillo - Radio Boca 2009
Um. no more adventures in html. I tried to rotate the image 90 degrees, and half my post got turned into code. So if this is an especially ugly post after I hit "publish," then I'm sorry.
Efeste is a local winery in Woodinville that is not on the passport tour, so people tend to skip it. It has a great space and there's a big fluffy dog! He's not allowed in the food area, but if there's not a lot of people sometimes the owners will let you go in the back and play!
These are not economical wines, but they are very good. My brother and sister-in-law joined their wine club.
Radio Boca was introduced to me by HMS (who is awesome at finding yummy economical wines). Wine World has been the only place I can find it.
6) Greenwood Market is closing - and this makes my wine efforts even more complicated. They always had Cycles Gladiator and interesting cheap wines to try. Even Wine World and Fred Meyer couldn't always match their mini selection. I will miss you Greenwood Market!