Monday, May 23, 2011

Denver/Boulder - We'll say Louisville

Pre-trip: hit up Pie for some English Meat. They also had salmon, egg, dill and cheese. Key-lime minis and spicy mexican chocolate. mmmmmmmmmm.

zoom in English Meat!

Went over to Louisville, CO to visit the Oxfrauds (and BeBop!) with the don't-do-physics-anymore crew.

Every morning was a struggle to sleep in. Made it to 9am on Saturday I think. The struggle was purely against age. But there was always a fresh carafe of coffee. I call it J-roast, because they roast their own coffee beans. There was also J-brew, but I didn't take a picture of the beer bottle.

Oh, the rapture... roast.

Day 1: Hiking to Royal Arch + food at restaurants I don't remember the name to in Boulder. Soba noodle salad at a bar is a bad idea. Even if it's the special. shut up. Then Denver Roller Dolls! Had beer and pretzel with "cheese" sauce. Maybe needs a z. Also, the world's most dangerous playground for inebriated adults who've not yet adjusted to the altitude change.

Oh! But brunch restaurant had a Jerky Outlet!! Apparently, if you deep fry peanuts, it's okay to eat the shells. I've heard that some people do that regardless of the frying... skeptical.

Jalapeno beef sausage links, cajun deep fried peanuts, cherry maple turkey jerky.

Day 2: Walking around Denver and got some shopping booty!
Savory Spice Shop-
Rubs and something interesting called black onyx cocoa. Dark chocolate flavor without the fatty.

The dark chocolate is not to be used as a replacement in recipes one-to-one. Just adds to the mysterious magic of it all!

Co-worker kept talking about this childhood candy-tablet you dropped into water and it turns into soda. We kept telling her it was alka-seltzer. But then this candy shop had it! And something....different.

Lemonade fizzies (root beer not pictured). Shop guy said the bacon tabs were "accurate."

They also had maltesers, so I got all excited because I thought they would have dark chocolate. -tesers. That's okay, I probably would have bought out the whole store. (ship half to Gaw).

Also, books. But this is a food blog. Standards, people.

Root Down Restaurant, Denver

The fruit with the gnocchi was weird. This place was all about sweet stuff. Then again, the drinks names were pearracuda and ginger (ale) mule.

Red beet gnocchi with squash, iberico, and blueberries. Lamb burgers with yam fries.

Zoom in Lamb-burger! Trying to get you to see the yummy herbs.

For dessert, banana "creme brulee" pie.

They say there was rum, but I didn't taste any. Might have been influenced by the ginger mule prior.


  1. 1. I want to try rub for braised ribs. food date?
    2. you need a better camera. to take accurate pictures of herbs.
    3. all the gluten and dairy full-ness you have this weekend upsets me.
    4. I fell off wagon a tad this weekend. STREET FAIR! Corn on cob, meat skewers, pancit, lumpia. Caroline brought feta tzaziki fries to SAC booth and i had a few. felt bloaty. have been feeling overly sodium-fied all day today. but the pancit was WORTH IT.

  2. 1.I agree with Jamie about a better camera.
    2. I am thoroughly satisfied with an updated food log entry :)
    3. you missed a fabulous wine pairing dinner. I'll have to say it was much better than the first!

  3. geezus it took me signing into google like 5 times before it finally posted! wtf

  4. 1. My camera is awesome. I just need a steadier hand.
    2. I am terrible at dairy free.
    3. Caroline!
    4. We should da bin lo. Late night.
