Got Spanish Coffee at ...? Can't remember. There's this whole show associated with it where the waiter put lime juice and sugar on the rim, then TONS of alcohol (think - Bacardi 151) and lit it on fire! Result - still very alcoholic drink but yummy caramelized melted sugar on the rim with a little lime flavor. Licking glass not optional.

Start with these ingredients

Add fire and coffee

Yummy lunch! See the pate? I know I'm old now because I think it's delicious.
Went to the Rose festival and ate a bunch of random fair food - yum!/ack! Ack just for diet's sake.
I mean "diet."

SnoCone + Apple vodka/sprite from beer tent = I don't remember what the red is.
Rose festival = Portland is the city of roses or something. Not rose gardens like we thought. (or maybe just I thought).
Voodoo donuts. 1 of my 3 goals in visiting Portland - 2 and 3 were Powell's and Food trucks.
The cereal ones intrigue me, but I feel obligated to get the voodoo doll one...

When you walk in the door there are these.... and a billion signs saying no pics of the back. But didn't see until after it was taken.

Display case - and these are just the vegan kind, folks! Or is it gluten free? I am 95% sure it's vegan.
Voodoo booty:

Captain Crunch Voodoo Doll!! Filled with jelly and a pretzel stick for stabbing. I left this at R's.

Blueberry cake mmm Bacon maple bar
Powell's was huge, but I think it's difficult to navigate when influenced by sno cones.
Food trucks were meh. We got gluten free corn dogs and something else. Didn't take pictures, but yummy!
Of course, had to try coffee:

I lied, it was a soy chai. But it was yummy!